Bin Collection

Bin Collection 

  • Bin collection at Herga Court is done every Monday and Thursday.
  • Flats that don’t have a back staircase will need to leave their bin bags outside their front door for collection on Mondays and Thursday.
    • In the near future, trays will be provided for you to place your bin bags outside your flats.  Please use them to avoid soiling the newly laid carpets.  Until these trays are in place please be mindful of the damage your garbage may cause to the carpets.
  • Flats with rear staircases will need to leave their bin bags in the back for collection.


There are allocated recycling bins for paper, card, plastics, glass, bottle and cans in the bin area near the entrance.

Large household items

No large household items may be dumped in the bin areas – CCTV cameras are in place to monitor this. For large items please contact Harrow Recycling Centre located in Wealdstone where these items may be recycled. Visits must be booked in advance online here